• The Simple Riches

Image showing a notebook with "side hustle ideas." making extra money, The Simple Riches

Making Extra Income with Side Hustles

When the cost of goods and services rises, but your paycheck doesn’t, you might consider taking a second job or learning a hobby you can use for a side hustle. Supplemental income can pay bills, allow you to take a trip or increase your savings or stock portfolio.

Side Hustles Can Create Financial Freedom: Active and Passive Income

Depending on the side hustle, it can create financial freedom in that you’ll have enough to pay the bills or bolster your savings and retirement accounts. You can create two types of side hustles: Active and passive income. Active income is something you must constantly work at, such as investing in stocks. Passive income is “one and done.” You create something once, and it earns money without you doing anything except marketing, for example, writing a book.

Find the Perfect Side Hustle

The hardest part of finding a side hustle – if you don’t want to work for someone else – is coming up with an idea that will make money. Whether you go into drop-shipping, sell your art, write a book, or delve into content marketing, you need to get in touch with your entrepreneurial spirit. You must also create something unique. Yes, there will be competition, but if your idea is exactly the same as someone else’s, you’re setting yourself up to fail.

Strategies for Creating an Effective Side Hustle

Deciding on what you want to do is only the beginning. Once you determine your side hustle, you’ll have to set goals, manage time, market your side hustle, find time for networking, and learn to manage your new business financially. The Simple Riches Side Hustle blog offers tips and tricks for everything you need to have a successful side hustle.

New Balancing Act: Life and Work

You can’t let your new side hustle take over your life – you’ll get burned out and fail. You will need to learn to balance your free time, new business and your current work to make it all work. For example, you might get up an hour earlier or set aside one or two hours at night to work on your new business venture.

While a business venture takes a lot of time – more time than a couple hours a day – going slow and building it up keeps you from getting burned out. While you may not make money immediately, you must remember that building a successful business will benefit you in the long run.

Follow The Simple Riches’ blog to get tips about making extra money in your free time and ideas for side hustles.

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