• The Simple Riches

The Simple Riches: Personal Finance for the Non-Rich

The Simple Riches: Personal Finance for the Non-Rich

The Simple Riches is all about handling personal finance – managing your money wisely and efficiently. Financial security can be hard to achieve even when people manage their money, especially when the economy is in the dumps. The Simple Riches provides tips and tricks to help you cut corners without sacrificing quality, how and where to save your money, and how to earn extra money.

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budgeting for home expenses, personal finance

Budgeting for Financial Success

The core of personal finance is budgeting. The first step toward gaining control over your finances is learning how to budget and stick to the budget you create. A simple budget tracks your income, when it comes in, and when you spend it on expenses. You’ll be able to see what you spend and where you can cut those expenses because of a pay cut or where you can cut so you have more for saving and creating a retirement account.


Emergency Fund

One thing that people often don’t budget for is an emergency fund. Because life is so unpredictable, that is the first thing you should budget for. You can use it for vehicle repairs, home repairs, medical expenses, and any other unexpected and unforeseen expenses. A typical emergency fund should cover up to six months of living expenses.

Personal Finance - Emergency Fund, save money, stash money
Personal Finance: Minimize Debt, minimizing debt, getting rid of debt, get rid of debt, pay off loans, pay off credit cards

Minimizing the Debt Burden

Having credit cards and other debt is often helpful, especially if you find yourself in a pinch. However, you are wasting money by paying high interest rates on credit cards and personal loans. You can still have credit cards – but there is a way to manage them to save extra money.



You may think you’ll never see the day where you can invest money to save for retirement or your dream home. However, creating a separate account in your budget for investments makes it easier – and once you start automatically investing that money on a weekly basis, you won’t miss it.

Investing Money, investing, savings, save money, personal finance

Master Personal Finances with The Simple Riches

Nope – there’s nothing to buy! Just follow our site to learn tips to help you save a little every week. We’ll provide the motivation and ideas, but you have to provide discipline, patience and continuous learning. And when we say patience, we mean it takes a lot. Not everyone can put away a large chunk of change to start a retirement account or an investment portfolio – including us!

Remember. Small steps will get you there. The earlier you start, the better. Don’t be like us when we didn’t listen to our mothers when we were in our 20s. We were too busy having fun to save money. Now we won’t have a huge retirement – but we’ll have some! Check back frequently for tips and tricks, motivation, and ideas for saving for the future or, at the least, getting yourself out of a financial hole so you can at least breathe.

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