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Best Thanksgiving Desserts

Thanksgiving Day Desserts

Thanksgiving is so underrated because people are already putting up Christmas decorations right after Halloween. They seem to forget what the favorite holiday for many is – Thanksgiving. This time of year is a time when family and friends get together for a big meal and great conversation.

While the turkey often takes center stage, the desserts usually steal the show, and there are usually tons of desserts that can satisfy that sweet tooth and make your guests jealous of your skills and choices. 

Classic Pumpkin Pie

Thanksgiving is just not Thanksgiving without the classic pumpkin pie. The spiced pumpkin mixture and flaky crust with a big dollop of whipped cream just screams "Fall" and the start of the true holiday season.  

Pecan Pie

Pecan Pie Perfection

While pecan pie wasn't a staple in my Connecticut home growing up, it's definitely a staple on southern tables here in Tennessee. I even learned to make it for Robbie's family at Miller Farms because they love it so much. When you just have to have something that is overly gooey and sweet, a good Southern pecan pie fits the bill.

For a twist on the classic pie, make a chocolate bourbon pecan pie by adding dark chocolate and bourbon – yes, the alcohol is cooked out by the time it's done, so you are only getting the flavoring.

Michelle's Baked Goods Fried Pies

Muddy Pond Fried Pies 

Another dessert that was never on the table growing up but is a staple on Southern Thanksgiving tables is the heavenly taste of fried pies. If you get them from Muddy Pond, Michelle at Michelle's Baked Goods uses a proprietary pastry dough and the old-fashioned dried style filling to create these gastronomic delights.

French Apple Pie

If you have to have all the pies, you can have a regular apple pie and a French apple pie. This version of the standard apple pie calls for raisins and a dab of orange juice in the filling. It also features icing over the top of the pie, which makes this pie sweeter than a regular apple pie.

Cheesecake Festival

You can really impress your family and friends if you make a cheesecake or two. Make plain cheesecake and include a "bar" with various toppings, including blueberry, apple, raspberry and strawberry. You can use canned pie filling or, if you found a great deal on berries during the summer and fall, you can make your own pie filling to top the cheesecake.

For an upgrade, swirl raspberry sauce or chocolate sauce through the cheesecake mixture once you pour it into the pan. 

Cookie Selection 

If you really want to create a dessert spread, you can make different cookies. Some popular cookies include chocolate chip cookies; thumbprint cookies, which have a dollop of jam in the center of them; Hershey's Kiss cookies, which use the same recipe as thumbprint cookies, but they have a Hershey's Kiss in the middle of them; and peanut butter cookies.

Sweet Potato Pie

This recipe is very similar to pumpkin pie, but it uses sweet potatoes instead. Top it with marshmallows or pecans, depending on your favorite. Some people even top it with meringue. No matter what you choose, it separates it from pumpkin pie and makes it stand out among all of the other desserts on the table.

Pumpkin Roll

Pumpkin Roll

While it's not quite time for a Yule Log, you can make a pumpkin roll. The cake uses pumpkin, while the creamy center is a decadent cream cheese frosting. Right before you serve it, dust the top with confectioner's sugar.

Cranberry Sauce Cake

Now, this cake is the ultimate of cakes. It's not overly sweet and has a slight flavor of cranberry. You can make this cake in a bundt pan, so when you pour the icing over the top, it makes a pretty decoration running down the side. On these cakes, pour the icing over it right before you serve it so the icing doesn't darken up.

Gingerbread Cake

Another fall classic is a gingerbread cake – and it's a must-have at holiday dinners. As with the cranberry cake, make it in a bundt pan and wait until you serve it to pour the icing over the top of it. For a variation on the standard gingerbread cake, use sorghum instead of molasses.  

Create a Spectacular Dessert Spread

Whether you choose to make two or three of these desserts or all of them because you have a lot of people showing up, never forget the importance of a spectacular dessert spread. If you set up a separate table just for the desserts and garnish it with Thanksgiving décor, your guests won't be able to resist walking by it while they're visiting and eating Thanksgiving dinner.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving from The Simple Riches!

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